
Forthcoming events - what's new?

The 2024 programme of events is now available in the Events section. Always check there for up-to-date information.

It's summer holiday time. The next Ouse Valley event is a trip to Chalybeate on Sunday 15th September. This is the annual small water competition. Do come along if you can.

Recent club events

9th June 2024 - Brick Farm

Good fishing - everyone caught and there were some good fish too. A lovely day to be by the water.

16th May 2024 - Bewl

The Bewl boat competition was held during morning torrential rain and a bright, pleasant afternoon. Fishing wasn't easy but there were some very impressive catches.

27th April 2024 - Lakedown

This was the annual competition against the Sussex Flydressers and I'm pleased to say that it was another win for Ouse Valley. Fishing was rather difficult but many fish were caught before it started raining in the late afternoon.

24th March 2024 - Bewl

The Bewl bank competition attracted a small group of enthusiastic members who braved the annoying wind, enjoyed the absence of rain and who caught a good number of fish.

11th February 2024 - Coltsford Mill

A really good turnout and good fishing with big fish made this a very enjoyable day.

29th December 2023 - Brick Farm

We held our AGM in the Brick Farm lodge and then started fishing - full bags for everyone, I believe!

12 November 2023 - Lakedown

Fishing was easy for some, really difficult for others - but it didn't rain much and it was a most enjoyable day for all. The beer helped!

22 October 2023 - Ashdown Forest

A good turnout, excellent weather and good fishing (a rod average of 3) - an excellent day out despite two broken rods!

4 October 2023 - Moorhen

Fishing venues needing long car journeys are always problematic - attendance at this event was very small. It was a great day, productive fishing and a delightful fishery.

17 September 2023 - Chalybeate

This was the annual small water competition and it was held on the first day of cooler weather after a spell of great heat. The fishing wasn't easy, but I'm pleased to say that several people managed to catch their limits.